Demand to pass Citizenship Act

4 years ago

Demand to pass Citizenship Act

Citizenship Bill, which has been under consideration in House for a long time, has been demanded to be passed by the seventh session of House of Representatives.

Stating that a large number of citizens are stateless as the bill, which is said to be passed within a year of promulgation of constitution, has not been passed by parliament so far, victims have demanded to move the bill forward as soon as possible.

The bill to amend Nepal's Citizenship Act 2063 is under consideration in House. Necessary amendments are being made in Nepal Citizenship Act, 2063 BS as per constitution.

At an interaction program with media persons organized by Women, Law and Development Forum in Kathmandu on Saturday, Advocate Sushma Gautam complained that even though constitution recognizes citizens, law and procedures do not recognize citizens.

Victim has complained that he could not get permanent account number (PAN number) in his name as he did not have citizenship.

According to the forum, even victims of incident ordered by Supreme Court to grant citizenship could not get it. Civil Society Network for Citizens' Rights has also been demanding speedy passage of the Amendment Bill.