Weather changes again, rain forecast for three days

4 years ago

Weather changes again, rain forecast for three days

Currently, there is partial cloud cover in the hilly areas of Nepal. According to the Weather Forecast Division, thick fog and mist has prevailed in different parts of the Terai since this morning.

Although there is no significant weather system in Nepal at present, weather is likely to change due to general influence of local winds and westerly winds, said meteorologists.

This afternoon, there will be partial to normal cloud cover in provinces 1, 2 and Bagmati province and there will be partial cloud cover in Gandaki province.

There is also a possibility of light rain in one or two places in these four states. There is a possibility of thick fog in Terai region while weather will be generally clear in other parts of the country.

Tonight, there is a possibility of light rain in one or two places with partial to moderate cloud cover in Province 1, Province 2, Bagmati Province, Gandaki Province and Lumbini Province while weather will be generally clear in other parts of the country.