4 years ago
Garchen Buddhist Institute is continuing a week-long winter event program. This year's winter event was held from December 28 till January 3rd. However Rinpoche's turning wheel of Dharma continues ceaselessly.
Two main events of this year were Namgyalma Long Life Offering for H.E. Garchen Rinpoche & Tsewang Dzinpa Empowerment and Teachings.
Garchen Rinpoche bestowed the Tsewang Dzinpa Empowerment and gave the commentary until the 3rd of January.
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche has chosen to bestow the Tsewang Dzinpa Empowerment and six days of teachings for which he adds one more day for commentary.
He is giving one extra day of commentary on Friday, January 15. Teaching will be livecast from 09:45 saturday, Nepali time. Rinpoche will give three hour long lessons.
These teachings come from the Yang Zab, a Drikung Kagyu Dzogchen terma. Rinpoche has rarely given this empowerment.
This year he will transmit entire commentary as well. Rinpoche resides in Arizona for this event and anyone can join the live stream via YouTube Channel.