4 years ago
The date of Drubcho was from January 7th to 10th January 2021. A large tantric prayer of Drubcho Hayagriva was held at the monastery of Ripa Rigon Tupten, India.
This Great Sadhana was led by Dungse Lhuntrul Dechen Gürme Rinpoche.The Ripa monastery in India recently completed Hayagriva Drubcho. Many numerous centers in various countries and cities joined Drubcho online.
Orgyen Sangag Choling in Kalmyk khurul also conducted Drubcho. Many Hayagriva's prayers and mantras were recited along with making offerings.
On 7th January 2021 required transmission of Lung was bestowed. Drubcho or Great Sadhana was performed in three sessions. Participants could join remotely by registering through email.
Many devotees made digital offerings. In order to participate in the Great Sadhana of Drubcho Hayagriva different volumes of the texts were required.
Narak Dondrup was also recited. Despite the current situation the pandemic event was conducted soundly. Hayagriva is a Wrathful Avalokiteshvara.
The practice was held online via the ZOOM app and was also held in ′′ Orgien Sangh Choling ". Big Sadhana Hayagriva in nine volumes was the main recitation text for the Drubcho.
In the absence of required texts, one could use the Short Practice of Hayagriva and accumulate the Hayagriva mantra of approximations, achievements and actions during Drubcho.
lung to the text of Medium Sadhana Hayagriva was bestowed prior to Drubcho. Required teaching of Hayagriv was given daily. The Drubcho was conducted with daily offerings of the Tsog.
The names of registered participants who were participating remotely were read during the daily Drubcho sessions in presence of Rinpoche and the entire meeting of sangha
Received offerings were utilized for covering the costs of broadcasting, offering to the monastery and the Teachers, offering to the translator, etc.