Covid-19 infections declined in France

4 years ago

Covid-19 infections declined in France

In France, number of Covid 19 infections has dropped dramatically in recent days. According to health officials, number of infected people in Covid has increased two weeks ago while somedays after Covid infections has declined.

Officials said that number of people infected with covid has been declining in recent times. Last Sunday, more than 15,000 people were infected in France.

On Sunday alone, 15,944 people were infected with covid in France. But officials here say number is the lowest since January 3.

Death toll from outbreak was the lowest since last week, according to France's public health agency.

Last Saturday alone, more than 20,000 people were diagnosed with the new infection, and on Sunday number dropped sharply, according to French Ministry of Health.

Since the onset of epidemic, more than 2.78 million people have been infected. Agency said France's number was the second-largest in Europe.

Among the European countries, the highest number of covid infections is in the UK. According to another report, there has been an increase in the incidence of new species of covid in recent times.

According to the agency, 57,750 people have died in France from the infection. It is said that people are losing their lives every day due to this infection.

As of Saturday, 24,559 patients were being treated at the hospital.

Of them, 2,629 were treated in the ICU, according to French Ministry of Health. Officials in France say a second wave of coronavirus infections has begun here in recent weeks, as in the UK.

Due to that, most of the service areas here have been shut down. According to the news received from the capital Paris, life of people here has also been affected due to lockdown.