

Venerable Khen Rinpoche Sonam Gyurme Tamang has been benefeting sentient beings through his immence  teachings, practices, trainings and effectives tools and technology of spreding Buddha Dharma. He with great effort and energy leading following organizations to supports human beings and nations.


Dharma Television is a only Full HD Satellite Television broadcasted for preaservation and spreading Buddha Dharma in multiy languages. It broadcasts General and Religious news, Dharma Talks, Meditation Courses, Chantings and Healing programs worldwide through its satellite, IP, Website, App and social media.

Rigzin Dechhen Chhoeling Chuglag Khang is a practical school of Buddhism and arts. Recently around 40 students of all around Nepal studying in Dingrim Level Class V to VIII. After complition of Dingrim students are encourage to enter one year retreat program where they will practice preliminary practices and other practices. After retreat they will join Thorim Lodra a higher Buddhist Study and research center for high level education and go to 3 years retreat.

Buddhist Teaching & Meditation Center is one of the oldest teaching and meditation center for all. hundreds of students from all around world has recieved many teachings and qualified for practices. They have been provided basic, intermediate and advance level certificates after completion various training course in BTMC or online base.

Tri-Yana Meditation Center is a new meditation center under construction started with the propose of offering many short and long term meditation courses to global practitioners. It is situated in Thanshing, Kakani, Nuwakot, Nepal 24 km and 40 minutes journey from Kathmandu Valley.

Mahabodhi Documentary & Film Production Foundation was founded in 2012 to make various Buddhism based documenatary and films. MDFPF has special target to make worldwide Buddhist Haritage documentary and film on Buddhas and Bodhisatwas as well as other prominent dharma masters.


Ven. Khenpo Sonam Gyurme Tamang


1.Spiritual Life & Education:

a. Ven. Khenpo Sonam Gyurme Tamang was born in Tamang Buddhist Community in a medle class family. Being a member of Tamang community, which is the largest Buddhist community in Nepal, he took a novice ordination (Shramanera Shila) of a monk in Lokeswara Dhyanagar Monastery at Mhepee, Kathmandu, Nepal from the most popular master H.E. Late Dinchhen Rinpoche at the age of 9 when he completed Class Four in local school.

b. Under the supervision of Late H.E. Dinchhen Rinpoche, popularly known as a 'Video Lama'--who had power of showing past events and any circumstances on palms of hands, Khenpo received intermediate level Buddhist education in general from him. Along with learning general Sutras and Tantras, Ven. Khenpo was also trained in ordinary and extra ordinary practices of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.

c. Buddhist healing arts such as designing Treasure Vases, more than hundred types of protecting Lockets-Srungwas etc. and practices of physical and psychological healing (treatment) system as well as various ritual practices have also been practiced by the Khenpo in the very auspicious environment under Late H.E. Rinpoche himself.

d. In his Monastic school life from 1992 to till date i.e. 2014, he also received various initiations, oral transmissions and teachings of Nyingma schools of Tibetan Buddhism such as Dujyom and Chogling Tersar, Jhachon Pwedrug, Longchen Nyingtik, Namtsyo etc. from H.E. Dinchhen Rinpoche, H.H.Penor Rinpoche, H.E. Chogling Rinpoche and especially from his Root Master H.E. Kyabje Rigzin Dorje Rinpoche. He also received Kalachakra initiation of Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism from H.H. 14th Dalai Lama at Salugara, West Bengal in 1997 and at Ladakh in 2014.

e. From 1998 to 2007, he received Higher Secondary, Bachelor and Masters' degree with the best results from Taktse Nyinma Institute of Gangtok, Sikkim, India, where he completely studied and researched almost all the subjects ranging from basic Sutras teachings to highest Tantric teachings of Dzogchen and commentaries of Tri-Pitaka as major subjects under the guidance of Glorious Root Master H.E. Regzin Dorje Rinpoche.

f. With his outstanding teaching techniques,  research  paper on 'Nine Vehicles of Buddhism', personal qualities with the abilities of presentation in many languages as well as grace of H.E. Rigzin Dorje Rinpoche, he was conferred the title of Khenpo (PhD.) and bequeath the honorary hat on 18/10/2013. Since then, he has been holding the highest post of professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies and practice.


2. Teachings and Public initiatives:

a. Since 2002, Ven. Khenpo Sonam served the people, especially Nepalese society with Buddhist studies and practices. He taught Buddhist Philosophy, meditation, language and grammar at Dinchen Tashi Chheling Monastic School related with Lokeswara Dhyanagar Monastery at Mhepee, Kathmandu in the same year. He was appointed as a teacher at higher secondary level to instruct the Avidharama Kosha- a vast philosophy of Buddhism at Taktse Nyingma Institute, Sikkim in 2006. Khenpo had also served Taktse Nunnery Monastic school of Gangtok, as a head instructor of school in 2007.

b. He moved to Kathmandu in 2008 and established Buddhist Teaching & Meditation Centre (BTMC)- a free school of Buddhist studies and practices from Mhepee Monastery.

c. In addition, he also trained Nepalese married Tantric Monks of Nepal about tantric Buddhism along with language and Buddhist Astrology studies in 2010. 

d. Ven. Khenpo ran various classes of Buddhism at BTMC, other schools and training centers, where he trained more than 350 teachers of different schools of Nepal Government in various districts of the Nation.

f. In 2013/ 2014, Khenpo joined the college as a lecturer and successfully completed an instruction of one academic year in Lumbini College affiliated with Lumbini Buddhist Univercity of Govt. of Nepal.


3. Positions in Organizations:

1. Founder President and Principal: BTMC from 2008-2018

2. Founder President: Mahabodhi Documentary & Film Production Foundation from 2013-2018

3. Chief Advisor: Nepal Tamang Lama Ghedung from 2009

4. Lecturer:  Lumbini College of Buddhism & Himalaya Studies from 2013

5. Director: Bodhi Astrology & Solution Centre from 2011

6. Lecturer: Sowa Rigpa International College from 2016-2017

7. Chairman: Rigzin Dechhen Chhoeling Chuglag Khang

8. Chairman: Triyana Bodhi Meditation Center

9. Chaiman: Dharma Television HD (Satellite TV)


4. Media Approach:

Ven. Khenpo Sonam Gyurme has established a 'Mahabodhi Documentary & Film Production Foundation' at various offices of Govt. of Nepal with registered number 1181. He lunched three programs called:

 1. Buddha Bhumi  (Land of Buddha)

 2. Dharma Samvada (Religious Discourse)

 3. Amrita Vani (Preciouses speech). He successfully telecasted these three TV programs at Bhakti Darshan International Television thrice a day and also three times a week from Nepal during 2012 -2013

4. He was also the Director for 'Noble Wisdom TV Program'- Houze-Khas, Delhi for few months


Personal Abilities:

Venerable Khenpo Sonam Gyurme is now growing his popularity around Asian countries as young spiritual leader having education and experience of Buddhist Philosophy, meditation and modern education.

He is well known for his language skill where he fluently speaks 5 languages including English. Thus he is being more famous among his students, disciples and the society. In addition, Ven. Khenpo is also well known not only for his skillful teaching, translation and interpretations but also in his spiritual leadership.

He has long experience to deal with different background people and train them with easy method of dharma teachings and practices. Especially, he also has long experiences in taking people to pilgrimage tour where Ven. Khenpo practically teaches and inspires pilgrims, practitioners and devotees and brings positive changes in their daily life.

His main objective is to bring peace and happiness in individual's life and educate people of all caste, gender, class and society with compassion and loving kindness and making nation and world peaceful, happy and harmonious.


5. Few skills and remarkable achievements in Trainings and IT:

1. Skilled in Academic writing -from British Council

2. Skilled in Presentation Skill - from British Council

3. Multi- Media (Audio- Video) Designing - Arena Multi-Media.

4. Microsoft Office Office- Syntax Computer Institute


Translated and transliterated two books- the collection of various ritual practices and prayers:

1. Pranidhana Sangraha (Translated book of rituals and prayers)  in 2003

2. Monlam Tsyogdue ( Translated/ Transliterated book of collection of rituals and prayers) in 2003

3. Thoema Ritual Book(Transliterated a ritual and meditation practice based book in 2017)


Teaching DVDs of Ven. Khenpo Sonam Gyurme:

1. Madhyam Marg ( A Middle Path) 2 DVD Set- IN Nepali- 2012

2. Amrita Vachana ( A Precious Talk) 4 DVD Set in Nepali- 2011

3. Vajra Guru Sadhana ewam Dharmopadesh (Practice of Guru Padma Samvawa and Dharma Talks)  2 DVD Set in Nepali- 2012

4. Pravachan ewam Dharmic Prashnottar (Discourse and Teachings) 3 DVD Set in Hindi/Nepali -2012

5. Maha Karunami Sadhana-Nyungne Practice: (Practice of Lokeswara Mahakarunami) 4 DVD Set in Nepali- 2013

6. Pratham Arya Swayambhu Baudha Mahapranidhana (The First Noble Swayambhu Baudha Great Prayers) 1 DVD Set in Nepali -2013

7. Samyaka Manaw ewam Darshan ( The Right Human Being & Philosophy) 1 DVD Set in Nepali -2010

8. Nyungne Monal and Dharma Talk- 1 Audio CD iN 2004


Program DVDs of Ven Khenpo and other Masters:

1. Three DVD Sets of 'World Peace Puja, Dharma Talks and Discourses of 2012, 2013 and 2014 at Mustang Gonpa organized by BTMC

2. One DVD Set of 'The First Noble Swayambhu Baudha Great Prayers' in 2013


Various Publications of Ven. Khenpo:

He published a largest wall calendar of Buddhist astrology in Nepali every year from 2012-2018

He truly possesses the inbuilt qualities of selflessly shouldering the responsibilities to uphold the sacred teachings through the three means of study, practice and activity. So without doubt, he can contribute greatly for the preservation and developments of Buddhism and society.


14.  Contacts and Addresses:

Ven. Khenpo Sonam Gyurme Tamang

Buddhist Teaching & Meditation Centre

Kimdol, Swayambhu, Ward No.: 15, Kathamndu, Nepal

Post box No.: 19201

Tell: +997-1-4301219; Mobile: +977-9849118562



Various puja and services

In this 21st century people are enjoying very hectic life and progressing a lot a materialistic property. but in some cases they do not have time to share with family, friends and some special events.

 Those members of our modern society have been seen affected by different problems of loneliness, lack of domestic love and care, psychology problems, and lack of perfect guidance and supports. Especially they can’t join special events of many domestic ceremony and other various events and feel unlucky and guilty.

 Keeping these in mind BTMC has been serving worldwide devotees with our dynamic services related with astrology, puja, practices, ritual ceremonies, spiritual guidance, teachings and meditation courses even through online.

BTMC has listed out few names of our regular services for both direct or online basis service to benefits individuals, family, society and those who live abroad.

Various Puja:

# Tara Puja and practice for wealth, prosperity & having baby

# Manju Shree Puja practice for wisdom, personality & brilliantness

# Guru Rinpoche Puja and practice for blessing, accomplishment & enlightenment

# Protector Puja and practice for solving problems, obstacles & enemies

# Mahakala Puja and practice for power, empowerment & therapy

# Vajra Pani Puja and practice  for Controlling enemy, black magic & remedy of all

# Vajra Satwa Puja and practice for purifying body, speech & mind, bad deeds, positivity

# Amitava Buddha and practices  Puja for liberation, empowerment and mediation

# Lokeswara Puja and practice  for compassion, love  and forgiveness

# Buddha Puja and practice for humbleness, concentration & enlightenments

# Amitayu Puja and practice  for long life, sound health and purity

# Medicine Buddha Puja and practice  for health, clinging & serious remedies

# Urgen NorLha Puja and Sadhana for accomplishment, and acquisition and establishment of

# Zambhala Puja and practice  for stability of wealth, peace, prosperity & power wealth, peace and happiness.

# Torma Chhyasum puja and practice  For making peace the negative energies and mental diseases, astrological obstacles

# Sernying Dyudok puja and practice  to protect oneself from negative energies, and various obstacles.

# Gyapsi Puja and practices A grand puja with 400 puja materials is done to avoid illness and for long-term attainment of good health, long life, wisdom and also to solve negative power and energies, this puja takes 1 whole day to be completed.

# Tonag Gosum Puja and practice To get rid of sufferings, misfortune and bad dreams etc.

# Chhyangbu Gyachya and practice  To protect from evil spirit and negative energies and make peace and happiness.


Special ritual based ceremony

# Naming ceremony (Nwaran): this naming ceremony is necessary to practice after 3,5 or 7 days of having new baby. Lama a dharma master recites the sutra of purification and name the new born baby with method of birth astrology and Buddhist tradition.

 Puja of cremation and funeral ceremony


1. Sithro Puja and practice (For the peace and enlightenment of deceased)  Shitho Puja takes one full day to complete and this is very important puja and practice for living enlightened life and also important for the liberation and enlightenment of departed ones (deceased).

2. 2 . Dhechhoe (, Hwetsog, Konchog Chidui , Dungal Rangdrol, Shitho,  Nelung) This puja is especially for liberation and enlightenment of departed soul.

3. Feast and Light offering and Mani Prayers: This is a short puja for liberation and enlightenment of deceased ones.

4. Duntsik Chhyoga: This puja is done once in a week on 7th day of death and continue  till 49 days of passing away.

5. Lho Chhoei: Annual prayers and puja for deceased one.


Other important pujas:

• Riwo Sang  and Serkyem:  This holy smoke and nectar offering is done to pay homage to all God and Goddesses and maintain peace and happiness.

• Solkha Dharmapala Puja: This is Done to clear all obstacle  and for attainment of work and success etc.

• Dokpa Chedup Puja: To destroy obstacle and for long life)

• Tse Thar Puja: Freeing fish, birds and animals for one’s long life and good health.

• Lagug Puja : Puja done for mentally disturbed people.

• Thunsum , Shishe. Dunsur , Rangkek chopa Puja: Puja is related with astrological  various obstacle and it is done to avoid those obstacles in health, study, career and mentality.

• Sogchhok and Gongchhok: Aarya Tara Puja in the morning and Dharmapala puja of power in the evening are practiced every day in the monastery.

• Rapne Duiba and Rapne Gyepa: Rapne means consecration ceremony is done after completion of construction of stupa, monastery, buildings  and statues etc.

• Salang Puja: Purification of land's negative energy as well as praying to land Lord (God) and Naga before building houses.


Monthly Puja and practices:

•Tsechu Chhopa: Sadhana and worshipping Guru Padma Sambhawa which  is done every 10th Lunar day of  month  for long life, sound health and accomplishment.

• Nyisu nga Khando Chhopa: This is a practice of power basis on Machik Throma on every 25th Lunar day of elemental astrology for siddhi and fulfillment of all wishes.

Chanting various sutras:

• Domang -Jungdue: For health, wealth and peace etc., this recitation of Domang a collection of many sutra of Buddhas Teeachings and matras is recited  in one whole day by 4 lamas.

• Nyithi: This is a sutra based on wisdom taught by Lord Buddha and it is recited for the attainment of enlightenment, honor, virtue.  There are three large sutras (books) which is completed in 3 days by 12 monks.

• Bum: This is a pragya paramita sutra taught by Lord Buddha for ultimate truth and wisdom,  it has 16 pack sutras (Books) which is recited for the realization of ultimate truth, wisdom and for achievement of five paths and ten grounds of Bodhi Satwa to reach the land of Buddha. This  Pragya Paramita Sutra recitation is completed in  one day  by 48 lamas .

• Kangyur: Kangyur is a translation of Tri-Pitaka a complete teaching of Lord Buddha and this sutras are recited for peace, happiness, virtue and to cross the  five paths and ten ground of Bodhi Satwas to realize a ultimate truth paramarth satya attain enlightenment. recitation of this whole sutra more than 125 is completed in one day by 375 monks.

• Tengyur:  Tengyur is a translated from of Tri-Pitaka of Buddha and whole scriptures  are completed  by 365 lamas in 1 day. These scriptures are especially chanted  for happiness, peace, good lucks, success and enlightenment.


                                                           Other services

1.     Except puja BTMC offers various services such as teachings, and meditation courses during pilgrimage tour to Nepal, India, Bhutan, China, Thailang etc.

2.     BTMC offers online teachings services for students, family members, academic and non-academic organizations worldwide.

3.      Since the last decade, BTMC with BASC is serving people with healing, traditional medicine, tantric practices and astrology till today and has solved physical, psychological, domestic and career problems.        

4.     Our main service is to offer various courses based on teaching, practices and meditation of Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.

5.     BTMC always gives priority for all practical services to Buddhist society worldwide. Our society are very much dependent on Buddhist practices and ritual ceremony from birth to death. We are serving all our national and international Buddhist society with all kind of ritual ceremony.

6.     Now a days BTMC’s followers and family are widespread and at the same time BTMC is also trying to spread our centers to serve our followers with varieties of services based on dharma policy. For convenience and supporting objectives on the basis of request made by our follower and needy family BTMC provides technical supports such as video graphs, sound system services, catering serves for weeding and other ceremony and there is no fixed rate or cost but since it is Dharma organization we accept support and donation after or before services and granted amount go to RDCCK, BTMC, TBMC, RDSTL.


Note: There is no any fixed rate or service charges of puja, practices or any other causes, but we accept donation and supports to continue service for next generation.


Venerable Khen Rinpoche Sonam Gyurme Tamang has dedicated his entire dharma life to oprate following dharma projects which can bring positive vibe and energy in people.

Although, it is very difficult to run these five organization but there is some light of hope where people giving helping hands to support this dharma projects to Venerable Khen Rinpochela.

If some one wants to be a part of this great and dharma projects they are heatly welcome to following projects with welcome. 












To support above projects and become a part of projects please contact on following address:

 Kimdol, Swoyambhu, Kathmandu,Nepal.

Contacts: +977-9849118562; +977-9840413934

WeChat, WhatsApp, Viber: +977-9849118562; +977-9840413934




Bank Account Details:
Beneficiary Bank account:
Beneficiary Name: Dharma Television (DT)
Name of Bank: Prabhu Bank
A/C No.: 0400-1439-5330-0018
Swaymabhu Branch,KMC-15, Kathmandu
Tel: +977-1-5247243
Esewa: 9840413934


Beneficiary Bank account:
Beneficiary Name: Mahabodhi Documenary & Film Production Foundation (MDFPF)
Name of Bank: Prabhu Bank
A/C No.: 0400-1439-5460-0011
Swaymabhu Branch,KMC-15, Kathmandu
Tel: +977-1-5247243
Esewa: 9863471334
Khalti: 9863471334


Beneficiary Bank account:
Beneficiary Name: (RDCCK)Dechhen Chhoeling Louke Boudha Gumba
Name of Bank: Prabhu Bank
A/C No.: 0400-1439-5580-0011
Swaymabhu Branch,KMC-15, Kathmandu
Tel: +977-1-5247243
Esewa: 9843347095
Khalti: 9863476983

Venerable Khen Rinpoche has been running dharma schools, meditation center, two Buddhist media organizations to spread dharma talks and practices of Buddha and Siddhas with the objective of bringing peace, happiness, proceperity and enlightenment. Following are the organizations lead by Khen Rinpoche.


1. Dharma Television

2. Rigzin Dechhen Chhoeling Chuglag Khang 

3. Buddhist Teaching and Meditation Center

4. Tri-Yana Bodhi Meditatioin Center

5. Mahabodhi Documentary & Film Production Foundation

Upcoming Programs

1. Lhabab Duechen Program

Date: Nov. 7 , 2020

Time: 03: 00 PM - 06:00 PM

Place: BTMC, Swoyambhu, Kathmandu


Past Progrmas

  1. Online Nyungne

    Date: Oct. 24-26, 2020

    Time: 04: 00 AM - 09:00 PM

    Place: BTMC, Swoyambhu, Kathmandu