

‘Shanti Path- (Path of Peace) is a preaching show where Non-violence and Vegetarian activist Bhikkhu Aang Furi Guru preaches audience on right livelihood through Buddhism. 

“Right Livelihood” is a traditional Buddhist teaching and one of the limbs of the Noble Eight-Fold path taught by Shakya Muni Buddha. This show encourages individual to be honest and ethical in every aspect of life. It teaches specially lay people to live a dignified and honour full life.

The show mostly trains people on: 

  • How to follow the path of peace?  
  • How can one choose the right path leading to peace?
  • Why we should become honest to everyone?
  • Who we are of other sentient being of this universe?
  • What is our responsibility to society and nation?

The Episode airs twice a week- 30 minutes per episode. Making 104 episodes in a year. 

MCR Team: Live Broadcasting, Sound, Switcher, Phone Operator etc.- Three people 

Studio Team: Camera, light, sound etc. -Three Person

Presenter and Guest scholars: Bhikkhu Aang Furi Guru 

Production Team: Editing, Sound, Colouring- Three Person