

  Rigzin Dechhen Chhoeling

Chuglag Khang



Rigzin Dechhen Chhyoeling Chuglag Khang


1.    Instructions

RDCCK is a practical based school that is responsible for teaching and training Buddhism, Buddhist Arts, traditional Lama Dance, worshipping and rituals, yoga and retreat, meditation, thanka and statue and other types of traditional treatments and incantations. It provides free education along with free training and accommodation facilities being based on the Buddhist traditional monastic school.RDCCK mainly aim to make the learners capable and skilled with the knowledge and teachings which they will achieve here. Trainers will be awarded with valuable certificates after finishing their course.

Main objective of this school is to produce qualified and trained students of Buddhist arts, philosophy, meditation, rituals and culture etc.

School will have various curriculumswith following five major departments:

1.Arts Department,  2.Philosophy Department,   3.Ritual Department,  4.Meditation and Yoga Department and 5.Cultural  Department

1.     Arts Department will deal as wholesome of arts education like crafting various statues of Buddha and Buddhist Deities, Thankas, Tormas (statues of butter and mixed flour), Treasure Vase, Land Treasure Vase, Medicine Vase, Long Life Vase and all types of Amulets. Students will also learn decorative trainings for Buddhist cultural ceremonies like weddings, birth and funerals etc. all under Arts Department.

2.     Philosophy Department will conduct for entire Buddhist studies such as Language & Grammar, Literature, Philosophy, History, Astrology, Applied Buddhism, Comparative Buddhism& Religion, Sutra-Vinaya- Avidharma, Therabada, Mahayana and Vajrayana study.

3.     Ritual Department will organize the theoretical and practical trainings based on all types of Buddhist rituals and ceremonies.It will mainly focus on rituals based trainings of three tantras and three yogas of Buddhism which will helppractitioners to understand and practice the Vajrayana Buddhism for enlightenment and harmonious living of all.

Buddhist ritual trainings of naming, wedding and death ceremonies will also be conducted along with excellent guide. Learners will be able to perform prayers and ritual on various Buddhist ceremonies such as Buddha Jayanti, Dharma Chakra Day,LhabhabDhuchen(Descending from Heaven), New year (Lochhar) eve. and other  Buddhist ceremonies.

Students will be taught about various historical events including how ancient instruments were played. Together, they will be qualified in vocal chanting and playing ritual instruments creating energetic soundin the environment for healings. 

4.     Meditation and Yoga Department will deal with all the types of meditations and Buddhist Yoga classes and courses.  This department will handle Samatha and Vipasanaalong with all types of Mahayana and Vajrayana meditation and practices.

Department will focus to train about five preliminary practices, phowa, chalung and other Zogchhen's practices especially for monks, nuns and all lay practitioners.

This department will also train senior monks and nuns about physical, verbal and psychological healing basis treatment system.

5.     Cultural Department will be responsible for spreading awareness about Buddhist Culture and indigenous Buddhist traditions.

Various Buddhist cultures like lama dances, playing instruments, using robes, and other Buddhist rituals will also be trained under cultural department.

This department will promote the ancient Buddhist culture and especially Himalaya Buddhist culture, it will inspire students for research base study for the development of Buddhist culture.

1.1  Name of the School

RigzinDechhenChhyoilingChuglagKhang (RDCCK)

1.2  Date of Establishment

15th January, 2015   (Magh 01,2071 B.S.)

1.3  Location and Permanent Address of the School

RigzinDechhenChhyoelingChuglagKhang (RDCCK),

GumbaSauraha ,Danda, Barasthan, Lauke, Madanpur,

BelkotMunicipality-13, Nuwakot, Nepal

1.4  Contact

Ven. KhenRinpcocheSonamGyurmeTamang, The president

Phone No.: +977-9849118562

Ani Chhoingi Rangdol  :Secretary




1.5  Prescribed curriculum and additional subjects:

All short and long Empowerment, Transmission and secret Teachings based on Nyingmapa School will be provided at the school by organizing public program through His Holiness Dharma masters.

 In addition, permanent students along with those said subject from class 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be taught according to curriculum of Government  of Nepal which includes language, grammar, history, literature, philosophy, arts and culture. Permanent or temporary students of RDCCK can choose any interested subjects from arts, philosophy, meditation and yoga, ritual or culture for their short or long term major course.

Permanent students of RDCCK must follow philosophy, ritual and prescribed curriculum of Nepal government and other subjects can be chosen according to student’s interest.                                                

1.6    Duration /Trainings

a) Permanent (Long-term) students will undergo five yearly courses that would include the curriculum of grade 5, 6, 7, and 8 and one additional year of vocational training.

b) Temporary (Short-term) students would be enrolled at various points and periods of time ranging from 1 day to 3 years depending on the nature of course or training.

1.7  Beginning Educational Sessions at RDCCK

a)     Baisakh 2 (April-May) of every year for permanent students.

b)    Undefined for temporary students.

1.8  Finding Management of the School

The school will be run by the guidance  of the Founder President Venerable  Khen. Rinpochela Sonam Gyurme   and donation of generious donors

The necessary fund for food, staff payment, health care, stationary, travel will be managed by  raising supports from  national and international donors, and collected funds from different programs of BTMC such as pilgrimage tour, various vocational trainings programs and the collected donation at  BTMC itself. The school will be run according to the five yearly plan of course designed by the central office of RDCCK.

1.9  Number of Participation

The number of permanent students in RDCCK is around 40 now  whereas more than one thousand five hundred temporary students, learners and practitioners, both academic and non-academic, will participate every year to learn Nyungne Practice, meditation, yoga, Buddhist art, rituals etc.

From the next years, there will be increasingly more students will join the course and program.

2.0 Monitoring and Evaluation

Nepal is a multi-cultural, diversified with different castes, creed and religions; and thus a beautiful country in the world.

Commonly, Nepal is known as the birthplace of Gautam Buddha, and land of Sagarmatha, the top of the world. Buddhism was originated in Nepal, and later it became widespread all around the world established as the milestone of source of knowledge, happiness, peace, prosperity and enlightenment.

The country like Japan, that has followed the single path called ‘Mahayan Sutra SatdharmaPundarika’ (True religion is like a white lotus flower) has become the world’s prosperous and developed nation, but our country Nepal, epitome of world peace and progress has fallen behind and is compelled to await for other’s help and donation for survival.

One latest condition of Nepal is that, even though Nepal is the origin of Buddhism, but many Nepalese students are forced to travel abroad in search of practical school of Buddhism.

Realizing the importance of traditional and practical Buddhist education, RDCCK is established with the propose of offering all Buddhist courses to  produce adept, expert and skilled manpower.

Therefore, this school will contribute in the field of peace, prosperity and enlightenment for the entire human world if it is provided with the economic, physical and moral support from the interested person, society, organization and concerned NGO and INGO.


2.1  General Objectives

One main objective of this school is to provide the basic education and training under the five yearly educational plan about theBuddhism, and Buddhist education, culture, tradition, art, dance, meditation and other several existing and extinct sciences connected with Buddhism to the teachers, learners, practitioners, religious preachers across the country and turn them into promising advocates of Buddhism, astrologists, Acharyas and Bajracharyas.

Similarly, it also produces the qualified, skilled and self-dependent students who possess right knowledge of traditional dance, sculpture, Buddhist art, culture, yoga, meditation, worshipping and rituals.

The five yearly education plan comprises one years of practical and vocational education and trainings; and four years of education on the basis of Gumba system which also includes the courses of grade 5, 6, 7, and 8; thus making the total of five years.

The course of grade 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be blended with the prescribed curriculum of Government of Nepal along with Ethnic, philosophy, meditation, history etc.

In every class, 20 to 40 will be learning the academic artifacts regularly. Similarly, other non-academic classes and/or trainings will be conducted as per the need and the demand of the learners. This will include the trainings and workshops about astrology, meditation, rituals etc. for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, or for 1 whole year or 3 years long.

2.2  Project Activities and Work Plan

Following the project activities and programare:

a)     To provide all types of long and short term trainings/education about Buddhist philosophy, education, yoga and meditation.

b)    To conduct workshops on Buddhist engineering and handicraft, (thanka), sculpture etc.

c)     To manage all the empowerment, transmission and teachings, along with the training of worshipping and rituals, yoga and retreat practiced of the Yingmaschool of ancient Himalaya Buddhism(during birth, marriage and death ceremonies).

d)    To conduct daily, monthly and yearly trainings for the traditional fasting (Yungne), practice of Mahayoga (Chyoi) and practice of peace (Shitho) etc.

e)     To prepare the students for their higher studies in Buddhist universities after providing them with five yearly Buddhist practical education.

f)      To preserve, promote, enhance and researchthe  Buddhist culture, tradition and education.

g)    To help to manage very important and essential attributes of Yingmapaschoollike empowerment, transmission and teachings with the help of renowned Buddhist gurus.

h)    To motivate the international learners towards learning Buddhist education, yoga, meditation, art and rituals; and also procure them as a competent learner at national and international level.

i)      To upgrade the living standard of under-privileged children by providing them with free trainings related to Buddhist education, art etc. along with the facility of accommodation and food.

j)      To appoint and manage the religious preachers at national and international level after making them qualified artistes and gurus.

3.    Significance of this School

a)     Every year forty to four hundred estimated apprentices home and abroad will get the ample opportunity to learn the practical knowledge of Buddhism through trainings and practices conducted at RDCCK.

b)    Temporary practitioners and other Lamas will achieve  practical knowledge of Buddhism, trainings, empowerment, transmission and teachings in order to become a qualified and competent practitioner of Buddhism.

c)     Buddhist values, cultures and traditions of Nepal will be preserved, promoted and developed.

d)    Society and country will get economic surplus after the production of skilled manpower, artistes, and traditional doctors ancient Medicaresystem.

e)     Both internal and international religious tourism will be promoted.

4.    Why RDCCK ?

a)    RDCCK provides base education for higher Buddhist studies and it bridges for those who want to learn Buddhism in university.

b)    We aim to produce high skillful artists, practitioners, qualified and trained Buddhist followers and Dharma masters which directly benefit to entire world for making peace and harmony in global society.

c)    RDCCK treat all student and practitioners without discrimination of religion, cast, country and color and it offer any desired courses for free of cost to everyone.

d)    RDCCK will play a great role to educate lower and middle class students of Nepal and other country.

e)    RDCCK may be the first practical school in the world which aims to provide all practical education at one place without charges.


༄༅ ༎     རིག་འཛིན་བདེ་ཆེན་ཆོས་གླིང་གཙུག་ལག་ཁང་གི་འབྲིང་རིམ་དང་པོ་ནས་བཞི་པ་བར་གྱི་སློབ་ཚན།

1st to 4th Years Subjects of Practical School Rigzin Dechhen Chhoeling Chuglag Khang


༈      འབྲིང་རིམ་དངཔོའི་སློབ་ཚན། Subject of Class V

༡༽ ཡིག་གཟུགས། Hand writing

༢༽ སྦྱོར་ཀློག Spelling Practice

༣༽ ལོ་རྒྱུས། Story

༤༽ སྐད་ཡིག Languages: English, Tibetan, Chinese

༥༽ རྩ་བ་བློ་འཛིན། Practical

༦༽ ཆོ་ག་ཕྱག་ལེན། Ritual and Himalayan Buddhist Instrument Training

སྔོན་འགྲོ། སྒྲོལ་ཆོག བསངས། གསེར་སྐྱེམས། སྨོན་ལམ། Ngondro, Droltsog, Sang, Serkem, Monlam

༧༽ སྒྲ་རིག་པ༼རིག་གནས༽ Grammar

༨༽ དགེ་ཚུལ་བཀའ་རི་ཀ། Moral Education

༩༽ བྱིས་པ་དག་ཡིག Terminology (Grammar and Dictionary)

༡༠༽ རྩིས་རྒྱག་འཕྲུལ་འཁོར་གྱི་སྔོན་འགྲོ Basic Computer


༈     འབྲིང་རིམ་གཉིས་པའི་སློབ་ཚན། Subjects of Class VI

༡༽ ཡིག་གཟུགས། Hand writing

༢༽ སྦྱོར་ཀློག Pronunciation (Spelling)

༣༽ ལེགས་བཤད་ལྗོན་དབང་། Himalayan Grammar

༤༽ རྩ་བ་བློ་འཛིན། Practical

༥༽ ལོ་རྒྱུས། Story:  བཀའ་ཐང་བསྡུས་པ། སྟོན་པའི་མཛད་བཅུ་གཉིས། རྒྱན་དྲུག་གི་རྣམ་ཐར། Life Story of Guru Padma Sambhawa, Buddha and Six Ornament of Buddhism

༦༽ ཆོ་ག་ཕྱག་ལེན། Ritual Practices: སྨྱུང་གནས། ཁྲོས་མ། གསོལ་ཁ། རིག་འཛིན་འདུས་པ། Nyungne Fasting Practice, Throma, Solkha and Rigzin Duepa

༧༽ སྐད་ཡིག Languages: English, Tibetan, Chinese

༨༽  གཏོར་མ་དང་རྒྱན་བཟོ་བཀོད། Torma and Gyen Design training

༩༽ འགར་འཆམ། Traditional Dances

༡༠༽ རྩིས་རྒྱག་འཕྲུལ་འཁོར་གྱི་སྔོན་འགྲོ Basic Computer  (Ms Word, Exel,     Powerpoint, Paint)


༈    འབྲིང་རིམ་གསུམ་པའི་སློབ་ཚན། Class VII

༡༽ ངག་སྒྲོན། Himalayan Buddhist Terminology ( Part I)

༢༽ བཀའ་གནད་གསལ་བའི་མེ་ལོང་། Himalayan Grammar

༣༽ ཀུན་བཟང་བླ་མའི་ཞལ་ལུང་། ཀུན་སློང་ཀུན་སྤྱོད་དང་བློ་ལྡོག་རྣམ་པ་བཞི།

        Kunzang Lamai Shallung:Mind Training

༤༽ ཆོ་ག་ཕྱག་ལེན། Ritual Practices and instrument Trainings: ཡུམ་ཀ། ཞི་ཁྲོས། གཏོར་མ་ཆ་གསུམ། Yumka, Shitro, Torma Tsyasum Healing etc.

༥༽ ཁྱད་པར་འཕགས་སྟོད། Praise to triple gems (Comparative Buddhism)

༦༽ སྐད་ཡིག Languages: English, Tibetan, Chinese and Nepali

༧༽ ལོ་རྒྱུས། Story: ཆོས་ལུགས་བཞིའི་གླེང་གཞི། Story about origin of four              Himalayan Buddhist schools. སྲིད་པ་འཁོར་ལོ། Story of Cycle existence and other 10 stories.

༨༽ གཏོར་མ་དང་རྒྱན་བཟོ་བཀོད། Torma and Gyen Design training

༩༽ མཎྜལ་བཟོ་བཀོད། Mandala design trainings

༡༠༽ འགར་འཆམ། Traditional Lama Dance

 ༡༡༽ བསམ་འཆར། Public Speech

༡༢༽  རྩིས་རྒྱག་འཕྲུལ་འཁོར་བཟོ་བཀོད། Desktop Design, Adobe Photoshope, Indesign, Coral draw


༈     རིག་འཛིན་བདེ་ཆེན་ཆོས་གླིང་གཙུག་ལག་ཁང་གི་འབྲིང་རིམ་བཞི་པའི་སློབ་ཚན།

Class VIII

༡༽ ངག་སྒྲོན་སྨད་ཆ། Himalaayan Buddhist Terminology (Part II)

༢༽ དཀོན་མཆོག་རྗེས་དྲན། Introduction to Triple gems (Tri-Ratna Anusmriti Sutra)

༣༽ བཤེས་སྤྲིང་། A Letter to friend (Introduction to a cycle existance)

༤༽ ནང་གི་སྔོན་འགྲོ། Five Preliminary Practices.

༥༽ སྐད་ཡིག Languages: English, Tibetan, Chinese and Nepali

༦༽ ཐེག་པ་རིམ་པ་དགུ། Nine Vehicles of Buddhism

༧༽ ལོ་རྒྱུས། Story: 10 stories

༨༽ ཆོ་ག་ཕྱག་ལེན། Ritual Practices and instrument trainings: རབ་གནས། ས་བླང་། ཆབ་ཁྲུས། གཏོར་ཟློག Rabne, Salang, Tsyabthu

༩༽ གཏོར་མ་རྒྱན་དང་མཎྜལ་བཟོ་བཀོད། Torma,Gyen and Mandala design training

༡༠༽ བསམ་འཆར། Public Speech

༡༡༽ འགར་འཆམ། Traditional Lama Dances

༡༢༽ གློག་བརྙན་བཟོ་བཀོད། Multi Media Designing course (Adobe Premire, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition, Adobe Bridge