3 years ago
Grand group practice has begun from 12 March 2021 in DehraDun, India. Drikung Kagyu Jangchubling is conducting a week-long Cakrasamvara ritual with resident monks and nuns.
This Drupchod is said to bestow great benefit and blessing to all participants. This week long ritual includes the clearing away of obstacles.
Through this cleansing ritual obstacles in our lives and practice are overcomed, for example illness, the alleviation of negative mental states and depression. The Chakrasamvara Sand Mandala was made for this purpose.
Mandala refers to the chakras or energy centres of the subtle body, and the experience of the great bliss of wisdom associated with each of these chakras.
The main meditational deity of this Drupchod is Cakrasamvara. Grand ritual is held annually with extensive offerings, in the first lunar month for seven days.For Drupchod, mandala and offerings are prepared by the sangha.
In 1984 His Holiness Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche acquired a piece of land outside the city of DehraDun, India, to establish a monastery and an education center.
The education center was given the same name as the non-profit umbrella organization, the Drikung Kagyu Institute, and the monastery was named after the first Drikung Kagyu monastery in Drikung Thil, Tibet: Jangchubling.
The consecration ceremony for the land was performed in February, 1985 by His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche, H.E. Gyalpo Rinpoche, H.E. Ontul Rinpoche, Drubpön Sönam Jorphel and Lama Tsulwang.
Shortly thereafter His Holiness Chungtsang Rinpoche, who had the opportunity of his first travel outside of Tibet, came and blessed the land as well. Drikung Kagyu Jangchubling Monastery was completed in the course of five years.
The great ceremonial inauguration of Jangchubling Monastery and its affiliated education center, the Drikung Kagyu Institute took place in November 1992.
Partial live telecast of this ‘Grand Cakrasamvara Drupchod’ event is being broadcasted via the Facebook page of Drikung Kagyu Jangchubling Monastery. ‘Grand
Cakrasamvara Drupchod’ will continue until thursday, 18 March 2021.