Oxford-AstraZenenca vaccine superb for reducing infection-Matt Hancock

3 years ago

Oxford-AstraZenenca vaccine superb for reducing infection-Matt Hancock

Matt Hancock said the study shows "vaccines are the way out of this pandemic".

Results show that the Oxford-AstraZenenca vaccine may have  reduced the spread of coronavirus says Hancock - the health secretary.

It is the first time a vaccine has shown to reduce transmission of the virus. So far The UK has given a first Covid jab to 9.6 million people .

The results of the study, which has not been formally published suggests that the jab may have a "substantial" effect on transmission of the virus which directly means the jab may save lives of people reducing transmissions and blocking the chain.

Mr Hancock called the study "really encouraging" on Twitter, adding that the results were "absolutely superb".

The study by the University of Oxford, where the vaccine was developed, measured the impact on transmission by testing for asymptomatic infections, swabbing participants every week in addition to recording when anyone fell ill with Covid-19.

As well as showing an effect on transmission, the study found the vaccine offered 76% effective protection from a single dose for three months.

With no fall in protection during the three-month period, the researchers said the results supported gaps between first and second doses of between four and 12 weeks. The effectiveness of the vaccine increased with a longer gap of 12 weeks before the booster jab.

When the second dose is given, the study found the level of protection from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rises to 82%.