4 years ago
Lama Zopa Rinpoche is receiving some Nyingma transmissions from Lama Ngawang Chokyong. Lama Ngawang Chokyong is a Nyingma Lama.
He is a close disciple of Tulshig Rinpoche. He is passing to the collection of teachings and texts. Crucially, Lama Ngawang will bestow teachings and texts of Tulshig Rinpoche’s root guru. Tulshig Rinpoche was one of the teachers of many high-level rinpoches.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche is a Gelugpa lineage holder. He has received teachings from many of the great Gelugpa masters.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche is a devoted student of the Gelugpa and is open to every tradition. Thus, this transmission he is receiving is a secular movement.