Annual Vajrayogini Puja

4 years ago

Annual Vajrayogini Puja

Annual Vajrayogini Pujas have begun at the Sakya Center on 21January. Vajrayogini is an Anuttarayoga Tantra iṣṭadevatā and her practice includes methods for preventing ordinary death, intermediate state and rebirth.

She is also well known for transforming all mundane daily experiences into higher spiritual paths. Her Practices associated with her are Chöd and the Six Yogas of Naropa.

Vajrayogini tantra is so effective as this tantra is very suitable for this degenerate age. Thus her practice is flourishing. 

Puja is presided by Rinpoches and Jetusnma. Historically the Sakya Jetsunmas have had a close connection with Vajrayogini. Hence it was especially meaningful that Jetsunma Kunga Trinley Palter attended puja. 42nd Sakya Trizin also attended with his family.

The 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche presided over the ritual.

Ratna Vajra Rinpoche is the 42nd and current Sakya Trizin, considered one of the highest qualified lineage masters of both the esoteric and exoteric traditions of Buddhist philosophy and meditation.

He holds an unbroken lineage of great and famous masters for over a thousand years.Ratna Vajra was enthroned as the head of the Sakya school on 9 March 2017.

He teaches Buddhism and travels extensively throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and North America. His Eminence 42nd Sakya Trizin married Her Eminence Dagmo Kalden Dunkyi.

Their first child is Her Eminence Jetsunma Kunga Trinley Palter Sakya. She was born on January 2, 2007, which is the Parinirvana Day of Sakya Pandita. Thus her birth is considered very auspicious according to Tibetan custom.

This ritual is performed mainly for preserving and flourishing the Buddha Dharma. Special Sand mandala was made for this ritual. Picture credit is credited to Ven. Jigme la from  Sakya Center Education Department.