Bibeksheel Party Announces Entry into Mainstream Politics

4 years ago

Bibeksheel Party Announces Entry into Mainstream Politics

Bibeksheel Nepali Dal, which claims to have done alternative politics, has today announced the launch of mainstream politics by releasing a new political document.

Chairman Pandey said, “The Bibeksheel Nepali Dal has matured to realize the dream of the common man by representing the Nepalis of the 21st century. With eight years of alternative experience, he is now moving from alternative politics to mainstream politics. ”

According to the statement, the party's federal committee has prepared the organizational political document from the recent policy conference held in Rolpa Liwang and the national conference held in Janapur.

The party has claimed that the document was prepared with the participation of all the members.

The document states that "a dynamic democratic pluralism that encompasses all Nepalis will be the philosophy of the party." It also mentions the four pillars of participatory democracy, dynamic middle ground, social justice and sustainable self-reliance.