Law for professional development at local level

3 years ago

Law for professional development at local level

Minister for Federal Affairs and General Administration Hridayesh Tripathi has said that the law should be made to address the lack of professional development at the local level.

During the meeting of the State Management Committee on Tuesday, during the discussion on the bill to make arrangements for the formation, operation and conditions of service of the federal civil service, minister Tripathi said that professional development was the reason for not appointing people who have passed public service at the local level.

He said that if he does not get the appointment letter even after passing the civil service, he should understand that there is something wrong somewhere.

Minister Tripathi said that the provision of 45 percent for inclusion has been retained in the bill, the federal secretary and chief secretary will be from the federation and the chief administrative officer will be from the provincial government.

Minister Tripathi said that the ministry was clear about the federal government sending the secretaries of the provincial ministries in one go and the Chief Minister's Office would take action.

In the meeting, Congress MP Dilendra Badu said that the provision of staff development should be included in the bill. He said that the employees who have passed the Public Service Commission should be deployed after the implementation of federalism and their service facilities should not be restricted.

MP Rekha Sharma opined that the earlier agreement on the bill should be taken forward. She said that the secretary of the state ministry and the administrative officer at the local level should be from the state civil service.

During the discussion, Minister Tripathi had demanded time saying that some issues of the bill were yet to be discussed. Minister Tripathi had said that he had no two votes in favor of passing the convention but could not move forward with an immediate decision.

The bill, which came to the parliament in January, 2075 BS, has been under discussion in the State Management Committee since February, 2075 BS. Committee chairperson Shashi Shrestha has said that the bill will be finalized as soon as possible.